Week 16 – Galaţi, Romania
I love hearing about home and what you all are up too. I wish I could express my love for all of you and share with you my testimony that is growing more and more everyday.
We have had some success here and things seem to be turning up with all sorts of small problems. We have found that there are a handful of things a missionary needs here in Galati. One, every missionary here needs is to relax. We are learning more and more in this mission especially that while we need to work hard and strive for our goals, we need to relax if we don’t see the success that we want too. I was talking with one of the sister missionaries about it and she said that this mission calms down everybody, and missionaries go home a lot calmer and more laid back than ever. It is because success here is different than in Brazil!
I have started to really learn the success of building my own testimony. I have learned more about the person the Lord needs me to become for the future, than I have in teaching about fasting. Now I wish I was a pro at teaching everything in this gospel, in my mission language, but I can’t. Not yet anyway. However, when I relax and enjoy the fact that I am in ROMANIA, and that my future is good (thanks to the Gospel of Jesus Christ) I don’t have to worry about things that are outside of my control. Second, Vitamin D is an amazing thing. Today was the first time I saw the sun in two and a half weeks. It is out right now on a clear brisk spring afternoon…time…nu stiu. It is pleasant outside and it hasn’t been that way since I got here. Third, the gospel is so so so true. This Gospel has the ability and power to change every soul that will ever live on this earth into the people that Heavenly Father knows we are.I have seen this in my own life and that is what I share with anybody, and everybody!
We had success this week with two new investigators, and one baptismal date! These two fine gentlemen both have a long way to go, but I know the Gospel will change their lives forever, and if they can truly see that, then we will rejoice together in the Kingdom of our Father someday.
It is fun here, and I am starting to really enjoy the little things of life. I miss a lot of simple things about home. I miss drying machines. It takes a day or so to air sry all my clothes. Kind of a bummer. Often I find myself wearing damp pants, because I need them. Oh well.
I am glad to hear that I am missed!! ;). I don’t want you guys to miss me too much. I was reading in the scriptures this morning about this huge Lamanite and Nephite battle in Alma, and there was a lot of mourning going on. However, those who knew about the Gospel actually rejoiced in their hope that they will see their loved ones again and in their merciful God. I am not dead by any means, but I am away from you guys. Rejoice! Life is surprisingly really fun! I hope that maybe someday we will see that our family can be the greatest support we can have in this life, for all sorts of things.
We actually go to Moldova on Miercuri la Sambata. It should be alot of fun, and I am excited to see what another country has to offer. Who knows what will happen? It should be fun though. I will try to take pictures to show you guys, but Internet tiume has been really hard to get here, because there isn’t really one place to go and do it. Oh well. The work goes on and I am learning what it means to work hard! Which is a quality I want to gain before I come home.
Varstnicul Oldham
P.S. Our new name tags will have that name on them. It is Elder in Romanian.