Week 57 – București, România

I know that I talked to you guys already,but there is a blog to uphold! Anyway, I guess I will just say what happened like normal, and then see if you guys missed anything. 😉

Bucharest_44_1200Let’s see…This week we tried to be busy, but that was hard to do. We had decided to go carolling every single night to lonely members or people we could think of. It was a lot of fun. On Chrsistmas eve we had a pretty cool opportunity to go and carol at a house party. We didn’t know it was going to be a house party. We just knew that it would be a caroling thing for a members friend. It ended up being at a nice villa, with a perfectly manicured lawn, and a nice deck. Many families came out and for a moment, I thought we were in America. There were little kids and parents, and little snacks made by everyone. It was amazing. However, we didn’t expect that so we didn’t sing super good. It was fun though and we laughed a lot. After they offered us hot wine. Temptiing ;), but no ;). That was a lot of fun.

We hurried around that night trying to fit in a lot of people. Ended up driving with the office Elder’s from one end of the city to the other and back again. It was crazy. That was a lot of fun. On Christmas Eve, we also got to watch Ratatouille. That is a good movie. I like it a lot, and it was weird watching it without needing to be aware of someone I should talk to after. It was relaxing. We also did it in our pajamas. That made it so much more comfortable. I enjoyed that.

10888371_907515972605581_4586119792819019415_nThen on Christmas day, we had football in the morning which was really nice. We played tackle, which I don’t really like. I am just not built for it. So hitting was tough for me and getting hit, of course. Oh well. That took up our morning, Then we went home and I made cinnamon rolls, and we did our studies. That was nice. I was able to just relax and bake. I made them for district meeting which was really nice. They turned out really well too. I had to use a different brown sugar then I was used to, but it all worked out in the end. I was a happy camper. My district said they turned out good so I will just have to listen to them. Then we had our district meeting. Which wasn’t super long but it was good. I was happy by it.

After that…Oh yeah! I skyped my family. It was a good day. I was happy. I think things are going good The rest of this week hasn’t been super crazy either, and I think that we are just trying to find lessons. However, New Years is a huge event here so I don’t know if I will be able to get some. We will see. We are happy to say though that we have a baptism this saturday. That’s good! We are looking forward to it and we ill be preparing for that as well. Anything else…not much. I liked everything in my package I got from home. I especially thank those that have a picture in it. It was the best gift I think I could have recieved. Thank you all for participating!

Love, Varstnicul Nick Oldham