Week 64 – Brașov, România
Just to start this email, the reason why I am emailing you guys today is because two nights ago our heating went out. We had no idea, but we woke up in the morning yesterday and it was SO cold. So we looked at the “centrala” (our heating source) and the normal flame inside was out. So we followed the instructions and nothing. UGH!! Not so bad, but that meant no hot water either. It was so so so so so so cold. I mean it was just a few degrees above frozen cold. Oh well. I had a lukewarm pot dumped over my head for a shower. Then we cleaned up because we had to wait for a phone call from our apartment guy. That took three hours. Then we decided to leave the apartment anyway because we hadn’t received a call yet and we wanted to go bowling with the others. So we left and right before we walked into bowling alley we get a call from our guy. UGH! We bowled and had fun, then we would meet up with him afterwards. We left, thinking that we wouldn’t have time to email anyway, then he calls and schedules for today…we still don’t have time. We had a lesson and dinner still…thus, I didn’t email yesterday.
This isn’t normal. I promise. We did go bouldering yesterday again, and typing this email is actually pretty hard. I had fun though. This week had been really good. We had a really good district meeting where we all got really fired up to change this branch and we came up with some really good ideas. I can’t give too much away ;). It will be good though. I just can’t believe how fast this transfer has gone by. It really has been going by super fast! 😉
We have been teaching a couple. Have I told you guys about them? I think I did. If I didn’t then please tell me and I will tell you about them. They are super dope! Let’s see. This has just been a really spiritually lifting week.
I have a question slash request for you guys. When was the last time you were taught the Restoration like an investigator from the missionaries? There is so much power when you go into a normal restoration lesson prepared as an investigator. I encourage you to let the missionaries over and let them teach you the Restoration. It is amazing how powerful the spirit is when you empty your mind and think about questions you may not have thought about in a while.
I wish I could say I have had more adventures, but we have been trying to get out more, and teach more. We are succeeding but there is always a lot of seemingly important tasks to get done. Oh well. Valentine’s day was basically just another day. It isn’t very big here, yet. Oh wait. On Valentine’s day we were at the church that evening, and out of nowhere I heard explosions. I got up and went outside and there were fireworks, literally exploding over our heads. The neighbors across an empty lot is a huge wedding place. Anyway, we were basically catching debris. It was so loud and cool. After it ended all of us missionaries, the others were with us, were yelling for more. It was really cool. That was fun.
My camera I think may be gone…I am going to get it to this camera fixing guy, and at least get a price from him, because if it is more to fix than just buy a new one then that seems silly. I am just sad because my little sony is really nice. Oh well…it is just a “thing”.
Mom, you have this! Just go with the intent of fun! Who knows what will happen. In the end it will be a cool journal entry. Do you guys all keep a journal? That is something that has been really cool to look at, my journal from a year ago. I hope you guys will also start writing in a journal regularly, daily if possible. It is amazing the things you will learn, and see. We have Zone Conference in Bucharest this week, so maybe I will have some more spiritual insights later. I hope everything is going good, and time really does fly!
Love, Varstnicul Nick Oldham