Week 76 – Ploiești, România
I am so glad that you had a wonderful mother’s day. You deserve those kind of days more often! All I really have to say to the kids, is “THAT”S MY TEAM WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO!!!!!!!” I am super proud of them for doing something like that, especially Oliver. I knew that kid would have something up his sleeve, and it turned out to be a really good thing. Did you know about all of that dad? Or was this a surprise? KFC…yeah…that is for the kids… meaning a sort of shout out for them…*Coughs* anyway, I am glad that everything went good.
I was really looking forward to Skyping yesterday, but I am glad I made the change for this Sunday. It will be much less confusing and panic like. I also heard that skype was having a problem yesterday. I can only imagine why. It wasn’t like 70,000 missionaries were trying to skype their mom’s. I am glad we decided to wait. I think it will be much more enjoyable. I am excited for that, but what is really exciting is that today is my 6 months left mark. Scary and crazy. This point marks something very interesting. If, by any reason, I am sent home or have to go home, I will not be allowed back into the mission field. I will be released and not permitted to return. In saying that, I am not going to do anything too stupid (stupid things is what I do though…I will be careful) so that I can come home on the correct time. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone. I mean really. 2 years. My friend Jeff Groseclose, will end his mission on the 19th, and will be the first of all my guy friends to get home. It has already been two years. I can hardly believe that. I am almost 21 years old! I feel like I am 8 maybe 9 still. I think those people in my district can probably attest to that as well. I think they think I am a lunatic sometimes… Oh well.
Life here is good, and this last week, we were really busy. I know that technically I emailed you guys about Pitesti already, but even after we emailed, some things still happened! I don’t know if I told you about this, but I got pooped on in Pitesti. We were walking in a park, and I felt something in my shoulder, and sadly, I knew exactly what it was. It wasn’t something hard that just kind of bounces of my shirt, but rather something solid that sticks and slides down…It was gross, and there was a lot. All over my white shirt. Luckily, white t-shirts are pretty cheap here, so I just bought a new one. I needed a new one anyway. It was funny. I laughed at it. Let’s see…
Then on the 7th we had MLC. That was really good. well…I took a lot away from it, but there were a few parts that we just shook our heads at. We just see differently and we are not listened to at all. It can be frustrating, but we are working hard to help our zone in the best way that we can. There was a lot of really good stuff though. I walked away from that meeting with a smile! ;). I think that that’s what matters. I am glad that I was able to go and actually feel like I could help in some way. In a lot of meetings as a missionary, I feel talked at. Meaning I just get told what to do, and I shut my mouth and do it. However, it was nice to be able to raise my hand and actually say something that could have affected the mission. That responsibility is something that I am not taking lightly. I feel honored to be able to help those in multiple cities. It is a neat experience that I have.
On Saturday we rented out a mini turf soccer feild and played soccer. I MISS SOCCER!!!!! I loved playing and touching the ball again just felt so good. (Dad did you apply for that job? If yes, tell me. If no, don’t tell me… I would be sad… 😉 ). I love the whole concept of it. The team aspect and individual experience, and the whole works. It is super dope. I smiled a lot. That was nice to be able to just run around a lot. I think that besides that I don’t have too much else… (Horrible English right there). Not even worth erasing…you all need to know how bad I am getting. Sad part is my Romanian isn’t getting better at the same rate as my English is getting worse… ugh.
I can slackline really good now. I can run jump on the line, twist and then find balance. It is cool. I can turn around on the line too! It is a lot of fun and we end up talking to really cool people. It is a fun way of contacting. Things are just really good. I am super happy, and life is looking up. I know that it is because I have had so much help and confirmation from the spirit in the past few weeks. I have really petitioned for things and I have learned a lot. My studies have been very good and I love the liahona and BYU devotionals as well as the scriptures. I just love them so much. I would suggest a few talks to read or listen too. (I prefer reading because I can mark on it and see all the references.) I have already mentioned healing=courage+action+grace. “Learning the Healer’s Art” is also a very good one. In fact most of the referenced talks in the first devotional are all really good. Just look up the Healing= one. That is super good. There are so many good things to read. In fact a recent quote of mine, and something that hit me hard was this “A wise man must learn which books not to read.” How true that is! I mean there are so many things out there that draw our attention away from the things we need to be reading or looking at. It is crazy. I am glad that I am learning a few of these principles out here on the mission field so that i can go home and apply them to my own life. Yep. Things are just hunky dory. I love you guys so much, and I will talk to you guys on Sunday at 2 p.m. my time 6 a.m. your time. Right?…